Whatcha Gonna Do When Big Dom Comes For You, Brother?

By now everyone has seen the video of that dickhead Eagles fan who was verbally berating a female Packers fan on Sunday and dropping a few hard C's over what seemed to be absolutely nothing.
Now while I wholeheartedly agree that dude is a piece of shit and shouldn't be allowed at Lincoln Financial Field anymore because he is the absolute worst representation of Eagles fans that we could offer, I also have to admit that I hate the fact that he's getting doxxed and having his life ruined right now. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. I get all of that. But at the same time, I just think the internet is way too quick to ruin someone's life over saying a bunch of mean words. Asshole who makes Philly fans look awful, sure. But I don't know if the crime is worthy of thousands of internet sleuths calling his job to get him fired.
With that being said, the crime was certainly big enough for Big Dom to have to step in and save the day. There are very few images in my head that are more humorous than Big Dom essentially going full Dog The Bounty Hunter to ID and catch this jackass. Even the way this tweet from D Gunn was phrased--"Big Dom has identified the guy". As if he's been tracking him through his own personal data base and finally got the name he's been searching for, instead of the fact that like 500 people on Twitter found the dude's LinkedIn.
The last person whose radar I want to be on right now is Big Dom DiSandro's. I wouldn't want to be on that radar at any point in life, but especially not in the middle of a playoff run where the Eagles have some serious hopes and potential of getting to (and winning) another Super Bowl. This team needs to be as locked down and dialed in as possible. We can't have dipshit fans out here causing any distractions. So if Big Dom needs to hunt down a few pieces of shit to let the rest of the team focus on getting the job done? Then it's hunting season for Big Dom. And he's always out for big game.
Moral of the story--don't do any stupid shit at the Linc over these next couple of weeks or else Big Dom is going to get your ass, and there ain't shit you can do about it.