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I Am Amazed Some Idiot Filmed A Coyote At The Grocery Store Instead Of Running For His Life

I like grocery shopping. It's calming. It's one of the oblos I look forward to. Put on some nice 80's music, walk up and down the aisles looking for new snacks, ignoring the outside world for a bit. It's peaceful. 

But now we have coyotes coming out of the shelves? Come on. You can't take grocery shopping away from me. I really thought I had seen it all when it came to animals in random places, but then his video appears of a fucking coyote trapped behind the soups and I gotta rethink everything I thought I knew. I expected a cute little cat or a maybe a raccoon to appear, not the Lion King. Just an absolutely bonkers video. No other way to state it. 

The thing I took away from this is this, and it's a statement to our society being a fucking disaster, is that people decided to film this ordeal instead of running for the hills. Are you aware of what a coyote is capable of? I'm sure it could rip your eyeballs right out of your head before returning to the frozen food aisle. So why on Earth would anyone stay their near that thing? What if it takes off down the aisle and starts eating you alive? These people are lunatics. Get the fuck out of there.