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Contrary To Popular Belief, You're Not Supposed To Snap A Hockey Stick Over Someone's Face Like This

When you're playing senior hockey, you have to assume there are going to be some questionable hits out there. Maybe taking a run at a guy with his head down. Maybe a two-hand slash to the back of the knees. Maybe a sucker punch behind the play here and there. It's senior hockey, so most of the dudes out there on the ice are working through some serious anger issues. 

But snapping your stick in half across someone's face? Well that's certainly a new one. 

Now luckily it doesn't take much to snap a hockey stick in half these days. The sticks cost like $500 and they make them so you have to buy a new one every 6 months. If this were 20 years ago then there's a good chance that buddy in white would be a vegetable right now. 

But even still. You can't even blame this one on "having to keep your head up". One of the biggest mistakes here is that our guy in white has his head up. Maybe if he would have been looking down at his feet, he could have taken the majority of that crosscheck off the helmet. Instead, it's just as pure of an attempted decapitation as you'll ever see on the ice. You know this mutant in red probably spent the whole day watching highlight clips of Marty McSorley. 

Anyways, 2 minutes for high sticking or crosschecking. Dealer's choice. 
