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'The Flash' Director Andy Muschietti Thinks His Movie Failed Because Girls Don't Like The Flash

When asked about why ‘The Flash’ wound up being a disappointment at the box office in 2023, director Andy Muschietti failed to bring up the star Ezra Miller’s always growing criminal history, or the fact that it was one of the last movies in an already doomed DCEU that James Gunn/Peter Safran were slated to take over - he instead basically just said it’s tough when people (particularly girls) aren’t interested in the character. You know, the character who lasted nine seasons and 184 episodes on the CW.

I actually didn’t hate ‘The Flash’ at all, and loved how Muschietti directed Michael Keaton’s Batman scenes in the movie - but this quote is so bad and out of touch I almost want the  ‘Batman: The Brave and the Bold’ taken away from him. Not on the basis on “cancel culture” for this, but instead a lack of confidence that he is of sound mind. If he truly thinks that's why his movie failed he's a complete headcase. I think there were a lot more factors at play than girls not loving Barry Allen.

There’s obviously been a lot of speculation on whether or not Andy Muschietti's Batman movie is even happening anymore, considering the rumors that James Gunn may want Robert Pattinson’s Batman in the DCU, but Muschietti claims his is still separate/in the works….

Personally, I actually think having two active Batmen would be perfect. Robert Pattinson’s Batman can exist in a hyper realistic bubble and deal with villains like The Penguin/The Riddler, while the DCU’s Batman can handle Batman’s more fantastical rogues gallery - like Clayface, Poison Ivy, Mr Freeze, etc! I’d give the DCU Batman a Robin and loop in the Bat-Family (which I believe Muschietti plans on doing) as well, to both differentiate the two universes and do something that hasn’t been done since 97: get the Dynamic Duo back on screen together! Why do we live in a world where Chris O'Donnell is the only live action Robin to stand alongside The Dark Knight?!

Getty Images. Getty Images.

Plus, as much as I love the Nolan movies and the Reeves "Epic Crime Saga", they’re not exactly movies you could take your kid to, and that’s kind of a bummer! How is the next generation supposed to get into the Caped Crusader if there’s no Batman movies being made for them anymore? Introduce a little variety and everyone's happy.