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On Behalf Of Eagles Fans Everywhere, I Hereby Rebuke This Jackass Who Was Going Off On Packers Fan And His Wife

There are plenty of "Philly scumbag" moments that are worn like a badge of honor. For example, pretty much everything that happened leading up to the 2017 NFC Championship Game with Vikings fans. The "Gooooo Birds" kid, the dude running into the subway pole, even that one kid eating horse shit in the parking lot wasn't all that bad. We're scumbags and that's the way we like it. 

But there's a difference between being a scumbag, and being a legitimate piece of human shit. There's an endearing way to be a scumbag, and then there's a way of going about life that makes you realize that you have absolutely nothing to contribute to society. This dickless loser falls into the latter category. 

Now here's the thing that really pisses me off about this dude--obviously dropping a few C-bombs isn't going to win you any humanitarian of the year awards. But at the end of the day, they are just words. He's an asshole for stringing together the collection of words he used, but it is what it is. What makes me really want to rebuke this piece of shit and revoke his Eagles fandom is that out of every fanbase in football, we should know that getting stopped at the 1-yard line is just as good as being in the end zone. 

His initial qualm with the woman seems to be that she was celebrating the fact that Josh Jacobs was down at the half yard line. But every Eagles fan knows that the football field is only actually 99-yards long. We've seen it time and time and time again. Josh Jacobs put 6 up on the board on the very next snap. Granted, he had to work for it a little bit. But you can't be throwing C-bombs around when the very next snap ends up in the end zone. So he's not just a piece of shit, but he's a dumbass as well. Which is a brutal combo to be in life, and a combo that we would appreciate less of as Eagles fans. I don't think many Eagles fans would disagree with this serving as the official revocation of his fandom. 

Go Birds. 
