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Philly Scumbag Like You Read About: Guy Records An Eagles Fan Berating His Packer Fan Wife And Somehow Showed Unbelievable Restraint

Listen, Philly sometimes gets a bad rap for the whole scumbag thing. They've got some good fellas over there. Rone and Smitty and even Jordie behind the meat smoker are model citizens. You've got the king of the city Gillie walking out the team in what was largely an ass kicking:

Then in the upper deck, you've got this fella throwing all sorts of meanie pants words out there to this guy's poor wife just trying to watch the game. How he showed enough restraint not to beat him to Bolivian is beyond me, but my guess is that the good people of Philadelphia will swiftly remove this guy from any future game. If you watch the clip through, he says something about jerking off cum into the air when it's not a touchdown? The only real funny part about this entire video is the possibility that this may have all happened because the Packer fan was like fake jerking off after they scored a touchdown. They only got one of those, so the box score tells me this happened sometime in the first quarter. Imagine having to sit there next to that dude for 3 more quarters?

And now that I think about it, fighting against a guy and his 2 friends who are just standing there not doing shit is a recipe for disaster. That's how you end up against a bunch of Irish travellers getting your skull bootfuck, and not everyone is Biz who can take some and give more. Might have been the smartest play in that arena from a Packer to not engage:

The good news is that karma will swiftly deal with this individual, if we've learned anything about the Internet over the years. Good luck out there folks.