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Pray For Green Bay: Even Philly Cops Are Out At The Eagles Tailgate Putting Up Some Reps On The Bench Press

It. Just. Means. More. 

Every game. Every quarter. Every snap. Every rep. The moment you get into the playoffs, everything just means more. And it all comes down to who wants it the most. 

Philly fans don't just want it. We gotta have it. Sure, everyone loves to go down to the tailgate to have a good time. Eat a bunch of greasy food, pound your way through a few cases of some ice cold Miller Lite. But at the end of the day, you need to remember that you're there for war. So while you're packing the coolers and the bbq grills, you have to make sure you pack the bench press as well. Get that testosterone flowing all day long so you're ready to go nuts at 4:30pm. When you even have the cops out there ripping through a quick set of 20, that's how you know everybody is dialed in on the same page. One city, one heart beat. 

P.S. -- Pretty solid reps right there. Good depth. No back arch. Locking out the arms. That's a solid 20. 

Go Birds. 
