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FaceTiming A Fan's Grandma, Walking Around The Arena To Sit With A Fan In A Wheelchair After A Win - Mark Pope Is The Perfect Kentucky Coach

Ultimate moment right here. Just a perfect some things are bigger than sports and a man who understands everything about Kentucky. He's the face of the program. He's the most powerful man in the Commonwealth and I'm only about 50% joking in that line. That's what it means to be the head coach of Kentucky basketball. Mark Pope understands it all. Goes out of his way to talk to fans, he'll come up to the stands, whatever it takes to keep every person happy. 

Oh, and does this after his 4th win over a top-15 team in the country. Pretty good! 

I can go on about how smart Mark Pope is by throwing a triangle and 2 defense for a possession to confuse Mississippi State. I can go on about how smart Mark Pope is with him zoom offense and drawing up sets for mismatches. I can go on about how smart Mark Pope is with his substitution pattern to get guys like Lamont Butler the most amount of rest time while missing the least amount of game time. Or I could just say Kentucky is a top-10 team in the country in year 1, with a roster put together late, with 4 top-15 wins and we have our head coach. 

I just love having a coach who embraces the fans while winning again. No more lies about liking my team or saying things like basketball bennies. No more having to defend someone who can't adapt. Instead we have Mark Pope going into the stands after his 200th career win and talking to grandma's. That's the Kentucky basketball I know. There's something about Mark's that just gets it. Doesn't hurt that we look the part of a top-10 team in the country again. Good luck finding teams with better wins than Kentucky right now.

We got our guy.