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Let This Blog Be A Sincere Thank You To Arkansas For Stupidly Believing In John Calipari And Saving Kentucky Basketball

Oh, I know the answer! It's ass. It's garbage. It's a laughingstock. You may be wondering why I say that, allow me to provide more evidence: 

Now, a moron could argue that Florida is good. Sure. Florida is good. Another moron may argue that the SEC is one of the historically best conferences we've ever seen. Also accurate. But you know what that means? You win games at home. You don't start 0-3, have 1 quality win and look like a team that hates playing with each other. Arkansas has achieved all of that. It's the first time Calipari has been 0-3 in conference play since John Chaney was willing to whoop his ass. 

I say all that to say, thank you. Thank you, Arkansas. Thank you, Tyson Chicken. You thought you were getting the Hall of Fame coach from 2012. You got what we all told you you were getting. A coach who went out and brought back Kenny Payne, his son and the same coaching staff from Kentucky. Well, minus the one guy who actually had an idea what to do on offense. You got a coach who doesn't believe in shooting, is set in his ways and won't change. 

You saved a program you consider a rival

This is what I would have been stuck watching. This is what I would have been stuck trying to defend. Saying things like wait until next year with the class coming in. This team is built for March! They can change! You can't change. This is who you are now, Arkansas. Thank you.