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Policia Nacional Del Peru Carried Out a Real-Life Drug Bust With Officer Dressed in Full Grinch Costume

If your employer is going to have the audacity to not give you a multiple week long winter break like you're a 4th grader and forces you to work during the holiday season, you might as well get in the holiday spirit while you're there. Make the fattest guy in your office wear a Santa Claus costume and have the shortest guy be his elf. Have your customer service reps answer the phone with a "Ho! Ho! Ho!" before getting reamed out by pissed-off clients. Walk around the office asking everyone to Venmo you $15 to get a gift for your boss because for some fucking reason the person in your office who makes the most money is the only one deserving of an expensive personal gift. People love that stuff.

Making arrests while wearing a festive costume is the police officer's version of bringing the holiday spirit to the workplace. Rummaging through a bag of fentanyl cocaine is significantly more merry when you're dressed as the Grinch.

The picture would have hit harder had he kept on the fuzzy green Grinch hands, but I think this Peruvian police department accomplished what they set out to do. A good, solid bit. Probably a tough pill to swallow for this drug ring who the police found so unserious that they ran a bit during their arrest. I've seen a lot of embarrassing mug shots and arrest photos/videos on the the internet. But all things considered, I'm not sure any are quite as emasculating as scenes in this video.


The cops weren't for a second worried they'd end up in a cocaine dealer vs Grinch shootout and end up having to load dead Grinch into the back of an ambulance, turning the drug dealer's into local heroes who killed the Grinch and saved Christmas for the city of Lima, Peru. Then the cops having to explain, "No that's not the real Grinch. Peru doesn't even have a Grinch. It's actually a cop with a family who's death is now comical because we thought it was really important for our department to get on the front page of r/Offbeat."

There are so many disastrous ways Grinch bust could have ended. But it's a necessary risk police department's must take if they want to go viral on the internet. Which appears to be of the utmost importance for the Policia Nacional Del Peru

NBC News - The operation was part of the police unit’s ongoing tradition of dressing agents in festive costumes when carrying out operations during the holiday periods, such as Halloween and Christmas.

On the eve of Valentine's Day earlier this year, an undercover policeman in a teddy bear costume showed up at the house of an alleged drug dealer, delivering "a fake love surprise," as part of an operation in Lima.

Agents have also dressed up as superheroes and horror movie characters like Freddy Krueger and Jason.With the Grinch leading the way, Peru’s criminals now know Whos in charge.

I suppose it's important to let the community know that just because you're the police doesn't mean you can't have a sense of humor while protecting the city. Or maybe they were sick and tired of not getting the recognition they felt they deserved for their drug busts, and realized the only way they'd be appreciated for their work would be if they did it hilariously. Either way, they seem decided to bringing down drug dealers in the most embarrassing way possible. Which will always be good for a laugh. Until inevitably one day the New Year's Baby takes a shotgun blast to the chest.