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Joel Embiid Finds A New Way To Not Play Basketball Games, Gets Ejected For Going After A Lady Ref

One of Joel Embiid's favorite pastimes is not playing the sport that he gets paid hundreds of millions of dollars to play. 

Sometimes he likes to not play because he's injured. Sometimes he likes to not play because he's just a little too sleepy to play that night. Sometimes he likes to not play because he ate too much Shake Shack before the game. Sometimes he likes to not play because he punched a reporter in the hallway and got suspended. 

Either way, Joel Embiid's perfect world would see him play like 20-25 games per year. So tonight against the Spurs, he found a new way to get himself off the floor. Although this one may have been the lowest of them all. 

Listen--I'm an equal opportunity hater just as much as the next guy. Honestly I think it would be even more sexist if Joel Embiid treated this lady ref any differently than he would have treated a dude ref in this situation. But holy shit, Joel. Tough look to be be a a 7' mutant barking at some chick who is maybe a third of your size. I get being pissed at her for the call, but you have to go after one of the dudes in that situation to make your point. 

The worst part about it is that you know he wouldn't have done anything either. Such a fake tough guy "hold me back" move. Heck, if Embiid would have kept going towards the ref he would have found a way to roll his ankle and be out for the next 5 weeks. Anyway, go Sixers. 
