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Chapel Bill Just Got to UNC and He's Already Making it THE Program for NFL-Caliber Talent

Jared C. Tilton. Getty Images.

It takes a big man to admit when he's wrong. But it takes an absolute titan to admit when he's been wrong about the one thing he should know better than anyone. 

In my case, I was wrong about Bill Belichick. Which for me should be my area of expertise. A layup every time the topic comes up. My version of the Jeopardy! board Cliff Clavin got, where the categories were basically his whole life:

I may not know the names of any of my beguiling Irish Rose's friends or my sons' phone numbers or anything any of their dreams or aspirations, but I haven't spent 25 years being The Belichick Whisperer [tm] just to be so wrong about this latest chapter in the man's life. And yet here we are. Me having to admit fault. 

Simply put, I was wrong when I said he would never accept the job at North Carolina because he would have no interest in dealing with all the hassles of recruiting prospects, the transfer portals, and NILs.  

I should've known better. 

Not only has he dealt with all the complexities of being a college coach in the current climate, he's embraced them. Thrived in this environment. From wasting no time raising the necessary NIL funds:

To landing his first four-star recruit:

To more recently, positively dominating the early transfer portal:


Source - We're tracking the latest round of transfer portal movement here, profiling those joining and departing the Tar Heels during this transfer cycle.

Transferring to UNC via the transfer portal:

OL Christo Kelly — Holy Cross, committed Dec. 16

DL Melkart Abou-Jaoude — Delaware, committed Dec. 17

TE Connor Cox — South Carolina, committed Dec. 18

K Adam Samaha — Michigan, committed Dec. 19

DL CJ Mims — East Carolina, committed Dec. 19

OL Miles McVay — Alabama, committed Dec. 19

QB Ryan Browne — Purdue, committed Dec. 19

OL Chad Lindberg - Rice, committed Dec. 19

Staying at UNC after entering the transfer portal:

OL Austin Blaske — entered Dec. 9, withdrew Dec. 11
OL Aidan Banfield — entered Dec. 9, withdrew Dec. 12
LB Amare Campbell — entered Dec. 9, withdrew Dec. 14
WR Kobe Paysour — entered Dec. 13, withdrew Dec. 17

Sure, the Tar Heels have lost a handful of guys as well. But only two who left after Belichick took the job. And only two have committed elsewhere. So give it time. 

The most intriguing of Belichick's signings is Ryan Browne, who'll be competing with Bryce Baker for Drake Maye's old job. 

And who brings a lot of experience with him. But for some reason wasn't the QB1 at Purdue:

Though he'll get his shot at UNC, given he's made a three-year commitment. And will be coached by a guy who is so committed to playing whoever gives him the best chance to win that he once benched the highest paid player in NFL history for a relatively unknown backup, in what became the best personnel decision in the history of any sport. 

Incredibly, that happened years before any of his current players were born, but they certainly know about it. And how well it worked out. Most importantly, they understand what they're signing up for. Which is to work under the coach who's the most qualified of anyone in the NCAA to prepare them for a career in the pros. As one of Chapel Bill's assistants - also a former NFL coach - expressed brilliantly:


Again, I can't believe I didn't think Belichick was cut out for this life. I specifically mentioned how he wasn't suited to sitting around the proverbial coffee table with some 17-year-old's parents trying to sell them on the Tar Heels program. When it's clear already that any family with NFL aspirations for their son will come to him, begging for him to sign their pride and joy/meal ticket. We're not even 10 days into his regime, and that's already proving to be true. 

I should've known. My message to Belichick is:

Giphy Images.

I'll never underestimate you again.