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"I Choose Violence" -- Landon Dickerson Should Give Every Pregame Speech For The Rest Of Eternity

I'm not just talking about Eagles games. I'm not even just talking about football games in general. 

What I am saying is that every single time a speech needs to be made in order to get a group of people hyped up to do anything, Landon Dickerson needs to deliver that speech. 

The Eagles beat the piss out of the Steelers. They outgained them by over 200 yards. The Steelers only touched the ball twice in the second half. And sure, some of that has to do with the fact that the Eagles are simply a million times better than the Steelers on paper. But if we got a chance to see and listen to this Landon Dickerson pregame speech before the game kicked off? Well in that case, 27-13 seems way closer than you would have originally thought. After watching and listening to that speech, I would have said there's not a chance the Eagles don't get out of there without at least a 50-point win. 

You want to know what violence looks like? How about a 10+ minute, 88-yard drive to close out the game and make sure Pittsburgh never touched the ball again after punting from the +47 yard line. 

That's what it looks like when you impose your will on another group of men. When you know that you are bigger, badder, stronger, and just flat out want it more. That's how you, in Landon Dickerson's words, "choke a motha fucka out". 

Landon Dickerson. Truly one of the most ruthless men to ever step on a football field. 

Good morning. Go Birds. 
