Clap Your Hands, Everybody: A Bunch of Protestors Got Arrested After Staging A Sit-In To Block The New 76ers Arena Vote
This right here, ladies and gents, is precisely why protestors are the biggest group of dumbasses on the planet.
Typically when you see a group of protestors like this, they are against some issue that the majority of normal Americans don't actually give a shit about like oil drilling. They'll pull some dickhead stunt like shutting down traffic, and it'll make people despise their cause even more. But that's not really the case when it comes to the 76ers' new arena proposal for Center City. This is an issue that I think protestors could actually get a decent amount of people on their side about...
If only they would act like normal fucking human beings.
You can't get a bunch of creatures to go stage a sit-in at a City Council vote. That's the quickest possible way to get every normal human to despise you, and now want the arena to go through just to spite you. It's performative bullshit from a group of people who simply want to act like they're trying to make a difference. When in reality, all they want is to get the social brownie points by being able able to say that they were there.
If they really wanted to make a difference and swing the vote in their favor, it would be so easy to get support. All you have to do is stop being a bunch of fucking nerds, and start knowing a little ball.
Attack the Sixers. Talk about how much this team sucks and doesn't deserve a new arena. Talk about how they can't stay healthy, the team is cursed, and the new lights of the arena would be far too bright for Joel Embiid to ever show up. Talk about how that little rat bastard Josh Harris should be considered Enemy No. 1 in Philadelphia as the owner of the Washington Commanders. Giving him a new arena in Philly is simply supplying our enemy with more resources. Start to play towards the sentimentalism of having all 4 teams together in the Philly Sports Complex, and how having all of our sports teams together in one location is critical to the identity of Philadelphia. About how the traffic situation is going to be an absolute nightmare with putting the arena downtown.
There are so many ways to actually make a case about why the Sixers should stay in the Wells Fargo Center, and why a new arena in Center City would fuck everything up. But getting a bunch of people who look like they haven't showered in weeks staging a "sit-in" on the floor during a City Council vote? Well that makes you look like a bunch of nerds. And the last thing I'd ever want to do is be on the same side as nerds. So I was against the arena in the first place, but now I want that thing up and running by 2026. Way to go, nerds.
However, I will admit that they're starting to get me back on their side after keeping the protest going in the paddy wagon before getting shipped off to jail.

Can't teach that. That's the blue collar worker mentality that Philly sports are all about.
Play the song!