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A Kanye West Deposition From 2021 Just Dropped And It Is One Of The Wildest Ones You'll Ever See Including Him Throwing A Mask On In The Middle Of It

I haven't seen many depositions, besides the classic ones of Smitty and Dave which I'll link below for your viewing pleasure, but Kanye's may take the cake. Apparently this was from a tech lawsuit stemming from allegations that Kanye stole technology to advance his Yeezy brand and Kanye wasn't really having it judging by how unhinged he was in this. This was also in 2021 when depositions had to be on Zoom because of that whole coronavirus thing, so it's a shame we didn't get to see him in person arguing his case against these guys who had absolutely no shot to contain him.


All time Barstool videos there. "You don't have the right to see my face" is an unreal line to drop when you're under risk of perjury. Then they asked him to tell him if anybody's in the room with him and he says he's not telling you about all the chairs in the room because he's the richest Black man in American history (my Google machine tells me that's not true). 

What are you supposed to say if someone hits you with a "due to my mental geniusness" in any argument ever? I think you just have to take the L and try and move forward with the questions at that point? Apparently the full deposition comes out on a new A&E show called Interrogation Raw the day after Christmas and for the first time ever I can truly say that I will be tuning in to an A&E premiere like it was the 2018 Chiefs/Rams on Monday Night Football.