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If Tennessee Beats Ohio State, I Will....

So I made this list of bets back in August when I was under the impression that paying $20+ million for the best collection of football players money could buy would mean we'd go undefeated. It did pretty well on the internet. It did not pan out as well as I had hoped in reality though, seeing as I had to eat 320 peeps during my trip to New York. I will not be taking ANY heat for not working for free for a year seeing as that bet clearly has an asterisk by it, which was explained to mean pending an acceptance of a double-or-nothing bet with Dave. He passed on the idea, which was his choice, and we move on. To the people saying I owe them a punishment or should work for free either way, you're fucking clueless. HOWEVER, I have decided that punishments should continue throughout the playoff, starting with this Tennessee game. 

And here is what I have come up with should we happen to lose on Saturday:

Timely and relevant with both Christmas and the flag planting story. I'll have to acquire both a Vols jersey and a Power T flag between the 22nd and 25th if we do lose, as well as some moonshine. And then it would be on to Columbus to plant that bitch on the statehouse steps.

**To be clear, I am not concerned. We are winning this game, and then we'll go to the Rose Bowl and face the undefeated #1 team in the country in a Peeps Revenge Game.