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Whatever You Do, Do Not Try And Steal Kevin Garnett's Onion Rings

David L. Nemec. Getty Images.

With NBA ratings and interest being hot in the internet streets right now, everyone is trying to come up with a solution. Some people want to eliminate or limit a team's 3PAs. Some people want to make dunks worth 3 points. Some people want to reshape the court dimensions and remove the corner 3. The list goes on and on.

Would any of those actually change anything? Who the hell knows. But I'm of the belief that we as a collective may be overthinking this a little bit. Perhaps the easy solution to the NBA's problems is to just hand the mic/camera over the Kevin Garnett and Paul Pierce and let them cook

God damn do I love these two. They truly are the gift that keeps on giving. They brought me the 2008 NBA title, they brought me Jayson Tatum and Jaylen Brown, and ever since retirement they've done nothing but bring us all endless entertainment. I'm not being hyperbolic when I say KG and Pierce may be the most entertaining duo we have in media. They are pure gold together every single time


But let's address the main point of this blog. I think we can all align with KG here right? We've all been there. You order something off the menu that you really wanted and can't wait to eat, Pierce probably said right before this that he didn't want anything, and then the food comes out and immediately he has a change of heart and tries to get in on the action.

This is basically every single relationship that has ever existed. Should KG have known by now that he shouldn't have listened to Pierce when the topic of getting food originally came up and ordered some onion rings for him anyway? That would certainly have been the veteran move and honestly Day 1 stuff in a situation like this. Everyone knows that once perfectly cooked onion rings come out from the back they are impossible to resist. Never underestimate a high-quality onion ring

You also have to consider that at this moment Pierce is probably zooted to the moon, so his trying to sneak an onion ring in this spot is also not a surprise. The way KG reacted is something every single person reading this blog has done and I don't fault him one bit. That shit can be annoying as hell when you order something for yourself only for the vultures to show up as soon as the food arrives. If you wanted some, you could have just ordered your own!

As we saw, this ended pretty much exactly how this situation always does in real life. KG ultimately caved and forked over some onion rings. You know it had to burn him up inside, but that's what makes this relationship work. Sometimes you have to be the bigger person and take it on the chin. Also, it's not like they couldn't get more if needed. If only that were the case in the outside world, as I imagine it would solve a lot of fights.