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Twitter Is Debating The Meaning Of "Dad Bod" After This Woman Said That It Was The Perfect Physique, Before Showing Someone Who Is Clearly Jacked

Listen, if I had a penny for every time I saw a quote of this girl's post over the last few days after she claimed this was a dad bod, I'd have around $3 by now. There's a combined 200 million impressions on this girl's post and now the entirety of my feed is whether or not she's correct in assessing this as a dad bod. 

The dad bod has a long studied history here at the Stool, which have been vetted by prime now-retired journalists like Kmarko and Feitelberg:

In case you haven’t noticed lately, girls are all about that dad bod. I hadn’t heard about this body type until my roommate mentioned it. She used to be crazy over guys she claimed had the dad bod. After observing the guys she found attractive, I came to understand this body type well and was able to identify it. The dad bod is a nice balance between a beer gut and working out. The dad bod says, “I go to the gym occasionally, but I also drink heavily on the weekends and enjoy eating eight slices of pizza at a time.” It’s not an overweight guy, but it isn’t one with washboard abs, either. The dad bod is a new trend and fraternity boys everywhere seem to be rejoicing. Turns out skipping the gym for a few brews last Thursday after class turned out to be in their favor. While we all love a sculpted guy, there is just something about the dad bod that makes boys seem more human, natural, and attractive. Here are a few reasons that girls are crazy about the dad bod:

It doesn’t intimidate us. Few things are worse than taking a picture in a bathing suit, one being taking a picture in a bathing suit with a guy who is crazy fit. We don’t want a guy that makes us feel insecure about our body. We are insecure enough as it is. We don’t need a perfectly sculpted guy standing next to us to make us feel worse.

We like being the pretty one.We love people saying “they look cute together.” But we still like being the center of attention. We want to look skinny and the bigger the guy, the smaller we feel and the better we look next to you in a picture.

If we go off the first bullet point of the highly-regarded investigative study, then that photo that Twitter is freaking out about certainly doesn't apply. That guy doesn't look intimidating? He looks like he could just stare at Klemmer and end his bloodline. No comment on the looks part in the second bullet point.

The more I write about dad bods makes me realize a couple of things: a) I don't have a damn clue how this is an achievable physique and b) we need to go back to a realistic standard of living here folks. Good luck out there fellas.