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Nerd Alert: The Milwaukee Bucks Hate to Party, Refused to Drink Any of the Champagne and Beers In Locker Room After Winning NBA Cup

As a world renowned blogger who believes in transparency, I feel like I should mention that yes, I would have 100% written a blog completely shitting on the Bucks if they were spraying champagne everywhere while celebrating some bullshit made up midseason championship. It would be even more embarrassing than the celebrations that MLB teams put on after simply making it into the playoffs. 

But the Bucks didn't pop champagne bottles. They weren't dousing themselves in booze after the win. So I needed to pivot my take because that's what all the best bloggers do. You have to control the story, you don't want the story to control you. 

And now the question that needs to be asked is if the Bucks are a bunch of nerds. I mean here you have a locker room stocked with all of this free booze, and just look at the spread Giannis has going here. 

Stephen Gosling. Getty Images.

Fruit and water. They didn't even break out a can of soda or nothing. Fruit and water. Like they were throwing a party in the teacher's lounge or something. 

Giphy Images.

I'm not saying they needed to go nuts and spray champagne all over the place. But if you're going to get buckets and buckets of free booze, you might as well drink them. I think you can focus on the rest of the season while also getting responsibly hammered while celebrating winning the tournament. You can leave the goggles on the table and just crush the beers like normal humans. It's almost more off-putting that they didn't drink at all. It's like what do they have to hide? 

Probably the fact that they're a bunch of losers. Guys hate to party. Not a locker room full of dudes. Probably don't even shower as a team, and all go into individual stalls with curtains. What a bunch of losers, man. 
