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Was Ryan Whitney's Finger Wag The Most Iconic Since Dikembe Mutombo?

Spoilers ahead. So stop here if you didn't watch.

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Anyway, Ryan Whitney was sent home last night from Surviving Barstool and made to live with Mintzy and Klemmer at an undisclosed location somewhere in Chicago. I'll let Whitney tell you his thoughts on that. 

So Whitney gets sent home and in a semi fit of controlled rage, finger wags at Dave and Dan on his way out. I had heard about it in the game and obviously hadn't seen it til last night, and boy did it live up to the hype. Just an absolutely hysterical move from a man who's torn between rage and a moment of "I can't believe they got me." I audibly laughed out loud the hardest I have in the show to that point. I feel like only Whitney could do that. To be so shellshocked and upset you have to spend a week living next to people who walk around barefoot, yet have the presence of mind to create a moment so iconic and so funny is nothing short of genius and for that you have to applaud Ryan Whitney. 

Now this begs the question, is this the most iconic finger wag of all time behind Dikembe Mutumbo. 


There's never going to be anyone who will surpass Dikembe, but I think you have to put Whitney up there for the silver medal. Have to. You can make a case about Judge Judy. 

but given the moment I'm awarding Whitney the all time silver medal and not looking back. If there's one better I'd love to hear about it. 

Watch the latest Surviving Barstool here