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NYPD Recovered A Giant Drone In Brooklyn Owned By A Company Linked to BlackRock

NY Post - Police have recovered a massive drone that was apparently abandoned in the Brooklyn Naval Yard.

A photo obtained by The Post shows an NYPD officer holding up the unwieldy aircraft, the body of which appears to measure more than 5 feet in diameter.

Cops responded to an emailed tip alerting them to the presence of the drone, which they found on the sidewalk at Fifth Street between Market Street and Morris Avenue, sources said.

As officers were investigating, a passer-by said he worked in the building that houses the headquarters of drone’s manufacturer — which he identified as Amogy, Inc., a sustainable-energy startup working to use ammonia as a renewable fuel source, including for aerial vehicles.

Amogy CEO Seonghoon Woo later confirmed the drone was the property of his company and said it had been placed on the sidewalk after a company party about a month ago, according to sources.

“NYPD took possession of it for a brief period. Amogy cooperated fully with NYPD and the drone has since been returned to the company after NYPD determined the drone was not a threat,” the spokesman said. Rebecca Weiner, NYPD Deputy Commissioner of counterterrorism and intelligence, told reporters at an unrelated briefing that despite drone mania taking hold in New York and New Jersey over the past month, the perceived surge in sightings may be attributable to the power of suggestion.

“What we’ve seen over the past few days here in the city has actually been quite normal, frankly, in terms of the actual drone activity that we see every day,” she said, noting there are around 2,000 drone flights per week in the Big Apple.

Drones are so hot right now. 

As NYPD Deputy Commission of Conterterroism Rebecca Weiner stated, it's "drone mania" out here in the streets. 

Even though there is no correlation between this drone recovered, whatever this company is building in the Brooklyn Naval Yard, and whatever is going on over the skies of New Jersey, but did you see the size of that fucking thing?

That is certainly not the tiny little thing that took one of Hank's digits from him back in the day. 

Should we be concerned/worried at all that private companies are just putting these things into the air and doing what they want with them? Did anybody know the drones they're talking about that are being used by publicly traded mega-corporations like Walmart and Amazon to deliver packages aren't these little drones that Hank tried to swat out of the air? They're more similar to this massive thing they found in Brooklyn? 

Suddenly that story I blogged about the guy in Florida who shot one down out of the sky makes a lot more sense.

If I saw that thing hovering in place up in the sky, or descending down towards me I would freak the fuck out. That shit is straight out of Terminator. 


I wrote a blog last night where I discussed the big theory going around over the weekend - emphasis on discussed, aka "pointed out", aka "made reference to", or "pointed out" the theory- I didn't claim it's what's happening or that it's what I believe to be the case. Which is that according to an aerospace engineer familiar with drone technology, he believes the drone sightings are attributed to a Sum of All Fears scenario where a nuclear warhead was lost in Ukraine, and authorities fear it has been smuggled into a port here in America, and that the drones are equipped with radiation sniffing technology and that's what they are searching for. You can read about it here - 

One thing I forgot to mention in that, is that in my experience of owning an outdoor nightclub on the water, FWD, situated next to a major port, I can't tell you how many times the Coast Guard has came knocking and threatening us for having drones fly over our venue. Ever since the first time we got yelled at and threatened with jail, we've never hired a videographer since. Or if we do they have to go through a process of getting proper clearances and permission. It was surprising to find out that the area is even restricted in GPS as a "no fly zone" and something like 99% of drones aren't even able to fly in the area because they GPS settings on them are automatically restricted. All things I had no clue about prior to getting in trouble. So with all of that said, I find it extremely hard to believe, if not impossible, that these are amateurs flying these drones, or that the US Government has no clue who is controlling them. 

Especially ones that freaking huge. 

How are those things powered? Batteries I'm assuming but if so how heavy are they? And how long can they stay in flight before needed a recharge? 

Again, I have so many questions, and don't even know where to begin with this whole thing. 

Unless, of course, it is somebody like BlackRock behind them. Because we all know they control everything in this country, our government included, so they can do whatever they want. Then it all makes total sense.