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Nick Shaved His Beard And Now He Looks Like Rick Moranis

Barstool dopplegangers have been a thing since back when I was a reader. I feel like every few weeks someone would get tagged in a post where a random stranger looked exactly like them. I did feel like Big Cat led the league in those. Most notably Buff Cat. 

But today I think Nick and Rick took the cake or gold medal or top prize for doppelgangers. It's uncanny how much he looks like Rick Moranis. I can't help but wonder did Nick know this all along and that's why he grew a beard. Did he do his best to avoid shaving because of this comparison? Or on the flip side, will Rick Moranis know their may be someone funnier than him who looks exactly like him? We may never know. One thing I do know is these two look EXACTLY alike, and will for as long as it takes Nick to grow that beard back. 

Check out the full episode of today's Yak.