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Man Gets Pulled Over For Covering His Car In Christmas Lights And Maybe There Is Such A Thing As Too Much Christmas Spirit

UPI News-  Police in Wyoming are reminding residents to decorate their homes for Christmas instead of their vehicles after a driver was pulled over with their car illuminated by festive lights.

The statute in question states that "no person shall drive or move any vehicle or equipment upon any highway with any lamp or device thereon capable of displaying a red or blue light visible from directly in front of the center thereof."

The post said that while decorating a car "might look cool and be festive, we would to remind you that it is illegal. Please remember to stay safe when celebrating this season!"

Listen I'm all for Christmas spirit and the decorating of houses and Christmas lights. It's a terrific thing to be able to drive through your neighborhood and see all the different houses lit up. After a night or a day at the mall which can be hell on earth, it's nice to just zone out with some Christmas music and look around and try to forget that you just overpaid for a sweater as a gift and motherfucked 11 elderly people for walking too slow in front of you. 

And the way these people do their lights now is almost a full time job. Some of these houses go all out, some of these neighborhoods go all out and you can even make a night out of "going to see the lights", like in Dyker Heights for example. It's an awesome thing to have Christmas lights on a house, it really is. But like with all things there's a line as Feits once wrote. And decorating your car doesn't make you festive it makes you an asshole. The cops have every right to pull this guy over. Just a total look at me move, and a douchey one if we're being honest. Keep the lights on the houses people.