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Drake Lookalike Contest Won By Woman

I'm sorry, but is nothing sacred anymore? It's one thing to give the model of the year award to a non-10/10 smoking hot woman with big naturals. But if hundreds of Arab men aren't able to braid their hair, trim their beards and fly to Toronto to participate in an alleged pedophile look-alike contest without being taken seriously, then we've completely lost the plot as a society.

Look-alike contests used to mean something. They used to have integrity. When thousands gathered in Washington Square Park to dress as renown college football analyst Timothee Chalamet, the award went to the gentleman in the purple Willie Wonka costume who looked nearly identical to Timothee Chalamet.

When San Francisco hosted the highly clamored for Dev Patel look-alike contest, and hundreds of Dev Patel fans gathered in Dolores Park. The Dev Patel enthusiast who looked most like Dev Patel took home the gigantic novelty check for $50. 

But in the biggest celebrity look-alike contest of them all. The Drake look-alike contest. Where Drake himself pledged $10,000 to the winner.

When it came to picking the winner, looking most like Drake was not the deciding factor. In a sea of men who may or not be able to say the n-word, but were finally in a position to let it fly


You had numerous contestants who were the spitting image of Aubrey Drake Graham himself. I'm still not entirely convinced this man isn't the real Drake who's simply let himself go since the Kendrick Lamar allegations. 

Black & yellow Drake is nearly indistinguishable from real-life Drake from the right angle.

But looking like Drake isn't good enough to win a looking like Drake competition anymore  Not in 2024. Not in Joe Biden's Canada. In the end, it was DEI Drake who took home Drake's $10,000.

Jokes aside (not that I'm not very concerned about the societal ramifications of a woman winning a Drake look-alike contest), in a look-alike contest where the deciding factor is crowd reaction, being a member of the opposite sex of the celebrity who you're trying to look like is definitely the move. The person who sticks out the most is likely to illicit the biggest reaction. Especially if you're a funny, attractive women in a room full of grown men cosplaying as their favorite rapper. 


That's just smart strategy. That's playing to your audience. Well done girl Drake. If anybody in that room is going to walk away with $10k, I'm not mad it was you.