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The Refs Stopped The Clock For 4 Seconds For No Reason, Allowing The Saints To Score And Potentially Win, And Their Post-Game Explanation Was "Oh Shucks"


This gotta be one of the most egregious things I've ever seen. This should be investigated by every governing body out there. From the first time you ever play Madden, you know when the clock runs and when the clock stops. Clearly something fishy is going on with Shawn Hochuli's crew...or they are so incredibly bad at their job that they should all be fired. There's really no inbetween- either the official who stopped the clock is up to no good or he literally doesn't know the simplest rule in the NFL. Either option should get him demoted. But since this is the NFL, well....let's look at the post-game explanation:



"Oh shucks" is a hell of an answer for making such a bone-headed decision that could cost a team the playoffs. The Saints scored thanks to the clock stoppage and went for 2 and the win, all things that never should have happened. And of course the bettors who had Washington -7 should be storming NFL HQ right now. And thank god that 2 point conversion failed. I mean how is a ref's blatant mistake not reviewable? How can they throw flags left and right all game but when everything is actually on the line and the ref fucks up, it's "not reviewable"???? Everything is reviewable! Just make it reviewable! 

The refs were ass all game yesterday to the point I think the NFL needs to do one of those things where they ban Hochuli's squad from refereeing Commanders games for the rest of the year. It was the worst officiating I've seen all year by a long shot. I'm not saying something dicey is going on, but at the minimum they are not qualified to ref important games going forward.