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Biz Went On TNT's "Inside The NBA", Stole The Show Telling The Scottsdale Irish Traveller Fight Story, And Now The World Is Clamoring For More Of The Crossover Guest Spots

What a clip of these five. 

First off, one thing that's been lost in all this, is the restaurant choice that night by Biz, and apparently Barkley. Shout out to Houston's. Very no-frills restaurant chain, consistent across the board, great service, and with a very unassuming, but rock-solid menu. In fact, I'd go as far as saying they might have the pound-for-pound best menu of any mid-level American cuisine franchise restaurant in the country. Their chicken sandwich is outrageously good. One of if not the best in the game. 

Their crab cakes are fire, and their deviled eggs (believe it or not) are mind-blowing. (Their burgers are lights out also.)

Their parent company, Hillstone Restaurant Group, has a bunch of off-shoots of Houston's (like Honor Bar in LA), and they keep the menu favorites the same across the board. 

Secondly, Biz telling this story on national TV to a group of basketball guys who can't contain their amusement is pure gold. 

I can only imagine the basketball fans watching this, who have no idea who Biz is, and hearing this story. This had to have been the most entertaining thing they've watched or listened in regards to NBA basketball in weeks. 

Third, nobody can get enough of Biz's comment. Seeing the giant smile on the Chuckster's face when he was mentioning Dave printing up THESE SHIRTS 

and quoting him was gold. 

Forth, people also can't get enough of showing that Marchand clip. Poor Biz can't get away from it. Marchand is such a little prick. 

Fifth, the NBA on TNT graphic designers remain undefeated. Adopting Big Cat's microsoft paint style, and never abandoning it is why they're the best. Don't fix what's not broken. 


Sixth, you know Barkley is no stranger to getting into fights with drunk pieces of shit. Exhibit A. Exhibit B. So you know he has even more respect for Biz now than he did before. 

Seventh, Ernie Johnson saying "as long as your "bambi'd" one of those guys was also gold. This entire segment, despite only being 3 minutes, was an electric factory and we need more of it TNT.