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In The Most Important Moment of The Colts Season, Jonathan Taylor Dropped The Football on The 1-inch Line

Most important game of the Colts season. Playoffs on the line. If the Colts win, their playoff chances go to 53%. If they lose, they drop to 7%. Everything had been going their way today. Anthony Richardson isn't even playing well, but it hasn't mattered. Bo Nix just keeps insisting on giving the ball back to the Colts. And this Jonathan Taylor run might have sealed the deal. With the way the Colts defense is playing, a 13-point lead might have done it. But nope. Jonathan Taylor, who's by all means been having a terrific game, decides to drop the ball on the 1-inch line.

Obviously that's inexcusable. Just carry the ball into the end zone. It's so fucking easy. This is the first time I can remember it happening to one of my teams. 

So now that I've been personally affected by this... I'm starting to think this rule might be stupid. If a player has a clear path to the end zone. If the defense has already waved the white flag. And the runner lets go of the ball a split second early... then who gives a shit? The defense didn't do anything to earn the turnover. The runner did all the hard stuff. Just give him the fucking touchdown. 

Clearly I only had that thought because I'm a Colts fan, but there really might be something to it. If we made that the blanket rule, would anybody be mad? I mean he's right there. Why are we splitting hairs? Because in order to score a touchdown you should have to carry the ball ALL THE WAY into the end zone????

Ok yeah I guess that makes sense...