Watching Bob Cousy Get His 2024 Championship Ring Is About As Good As It Gets

A lot of great moments have come as a result of what the Celtics accomplished back in June. Seeing the confetti fall once the clock hit 0.0. Seeing Al Horford hold the Larry. The parade. Banner Night. It's all been even better than our wildest dreams and that might not even be doing it justice. Just a truly insane moment in our lives.
Somewhere high on that list has to be seeing Cooz get his ring. What a moment. In fact, I would say things wouldn't feel right if Wyc and the team didn't do something like this. Nobody deserves it more than Cousy, and one of the things I love most about Joe Mazzulla is he truly understands what it means to be a Celtic. How those set the standard and created this whole thing are as important any anything happening in today's game.

That's a guy who gets it.

Fast forward to now, look at the smile on that face! Bob Cousy is 96 years old and he's as sharp as any knife you have in your drawer. What a legend. If you're looking for something to read, I would highly recommend Bill Doyle's story on it because it's filled with all-time Cousy quotes.
This one was my favorite
After one of his six championships, Cousy and his teammates received a set of golf clubs. After others, the players received silver tea sets and their wives received necklaces that were made in Chicago by Auerbach’s brother. Rings weren’t part of the picture back then.
“The league hadn’t reached that position and the sport itself didn’t have that kind of impact so it simply wasn’t that big of a deal,” he said, “and we did it so easily even we didn’t realize what we were accomplishing.”
Just an absolute boss in every sense.
I remember growing up down the street from his house in Worcester and it broke my childhood brain how one of the greatest Celtics legends of all time could just be right around the corner living his life like a normal person. You have to understand, growing up in a Celtics household (at least mine) you are taught that Bob Cousy is not a normal human. He's a Basketball God. Who gives a shit of JJ Redick thinks they played against plumbers, Cousy was above Basketball Royalty, he was a Basketball Diety.
Now being in 2024 and seeing him get the 18th ring, it really puts everything into perspective. The fact that we'll always have this moment to look back on is yet another gift that the 2024 NBA Champion Boston Celtics have given us because as I said, none of this exists without Cousy (and Russell). It's the perfect final chapter in what is without a doubt one of the best seasons in NBA history.
So shoutout to the Houdini Of The Hardwood. Truly one of the greatest to ever do it