
Sydney Sweeney Properly Responds To The Losers Of The Internet Who Have Banded Together To Declare Her "Mid" And "Not Good Looking"

Arnold Jerocki. Getty Images.

There's that famous line from 'The Dark Knight' where Aaron Eckhart's Harvey Dent utters the words, "You either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain." You see it all the time in real life. Eventually people grow old of you, no matter how great you were in the past, and move to discard you from the top of society's totem pole. One of the many examples of this is Tony Romo the broadcaster. When he first joined the CBS booth with Nance it was the coolest thing in the world for him to predict the upcoming play. He was a breath of fresh air and in a way a phenom. As time went on though, that act grew old quick. People turned on him and made him into a joke. To a degree this happened with Steph Curry for a bit too. Hell, going back to the quote, people are starting to do this with 'The Dark Knight' movie itself!

These wretched pieces of trash are obsessed with bringing down something that was great. They will not rest. 

So why am I talking about this? That's because that time has come for Sydney Sweeney. Not necessarily that she's become a villain, but there are idiots out there (way too many of them) calling her mid, or some variation of that. This really got going the other day when these candid pictures of her came out the creepy paparazzi. 

First of all, I really didn't see any issue with these pics. She looks hot! Oh sue her, she didn't look 100/100 from a candid picture. Shocker. Would love to see what these miserable assholes who ripped on her look like at any point of their day. 

Jack Mac took a deeper dive into this. 

Today Sweeney decided to respond to her new haters with this post on Instagram that cycled through a bevy of insults. 


 Looks like a bunch of Daily Mail commenters to me. She chose to use all of that and show off her training for her upcoming Christy Martin boxing biopic. The movie required her to put on a decent chunk of muscle and transform her look to fit the character. This is something she clearly took very seriously. 

Of course these keyboard warriors in the Daily Mail comment section don't care about the context. She's hideous in their eyes. Discarded to the wasteland just like that. I swear to fucking god if you morons bully Sydney Sweeney out of her typical roles and wardrobes. We've got enough problems on her hands in this country, don't you dare ruin Sydney Sweeney. 

Keep in mind when you say she looks pregnant, an ozempic candidate, or Miss Piggy you're aligning yourself with this bozo on the left. 

Dare I say, is it becoming brave to admit Sydney Sweeney is still a smokeshow? If so I'll gladly lead the charge. In case you need reminding who we're talking about and need to readjust that screw loose in your brain. I will now be there opening night to see her new movie. 


