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I Threw Another Object In The Office

Spoilers ahead. 

If you watched Surviving Barstool last night, it was once again a doozy. And the highlight, or maybe the lowlight depending on how you look at it was the challenge in which myself and Dave got squared off in a jousting competition. Now to this point all of mine and Dave's interactions had been pleasant in the show. Two pals just laughing it up, and working together. Did I spy on him a few times? Sure. Did he spy on me. Sure. But that's water under the bridge. 

When it came to the challenge, it was time to get physical and I got physical. Everything I did within the competition was in the rules. Someone had to win, and someone had to lose. I won. Everything to that point was fair. 

Until I did this ... 

Totally out of bounds move and a cheap shot. Sometimes the game gets the best of you, and within the competition you black out and lose it. I lost it for a second. Dave has every right to be mad, and for that I apologize but what can I say this is a messy messy game. 

Check out the full episode of Surviving Barstool below 



For reference, my first time throwing something in the office.