
Pope Francis Will Be Opening 5 Sacred Portals For A Special Catholic Ritual On Christmas Eve

Charisma News - The Vatican’s announcement of opening sacred portals for the first time in 25 years has raised eyebrows and sparked intrigue. Set to coincide with the 2025 Jubilee Year, the ceremony involves the opening of five “Holy Doors” at ancient basilicas, with one “hypothetical” door at Italy’s Rebibbia prison. While the Catholic Church claims this tradition upholds a “doorway to salvation,” one can’t help but question: What exactly is the Catholic Church attempting to achieve with this elaborate ritual? And more importantly, where in the Bible is any of this remotely supported?

According to The Daily Mail, the Holy Doors are located at some of Rome’s most venerated basilicas, such as St. Peter’s and St. John Lateran, and are ceremonially bricked up and unsealed only during Jubilee Years. Pope Francis, who initiated the ritual on Dec. 2, describes it as a time to focus on hope and spiritual renewal amidst global crises like war, the lingering effects of COVID-19 and climate change. He has also extended this symbolic act to prisoners, aiming to deliver a message of hope. The Jubilee Year’s theme, “Pilgrims of Hope,” reflects these aspirations.

Not sure if you were aware, but a Jubilee Year is right around the corner. The Catholic Church has a year Jubilee once every 25 years (and randomly in 2016 when Pope Francis decided to call for an emergency Jubilee because he apparently felt the church was in desperate need of one and couldn't wait until 2025)

A Jubilee Year in the Catholic Church is basically one long Mardi Gras. Roman Catholics take the entire year off work, dress up in bright festive costumes, drink wine and be merry every day from dusk til dawn. Parades are in abundance. Women of all ages flash their tits in the name of Jesus. Every man is assigned their own personal holy boy. Europe's hottest DJ's perform nightly on the steps of the Vatican. Travis Scott is rumored to headline Palm Sunday. It's a festival for the ages. 

Not really. But with the name like Jubilee they really should spice up what actually is. Which is a year for remissions of sins, debts and universal pardon. During the year, specific days will mark Jubilee's for certain groups of people. There could be a Jubilee for volunteers, priests, prisoners, dead people, etc.. But perhaps the most exciting part of the Jubilee Year is the opening of the sacred portals. Some refer to them as 'Holy Doors' (but sacred portal sounds way more intriguing). Pope Francis will open these portals during a bad ass ceremony that would make for a sick rap album cover.

Vatican Pool. Getty Images.
Vatican Pool. Getty Images.

To open the sacred portals, a Catholic construction crew will first have to remove the layer of bricks that have sealed the portal since last Jubilee. Once the bricks are removed, Pope Francis will then rise from his big golden throne that faces the sacred portal. Then he will open the portal. Then the good Catholic people who are brave enough will enter the portal and cross over into the spiritual realm.

The spiritual realm being a room in the Vatican that absolves you of everything bad you've ever done in your life. And this year, along with the doors in the Vatican, Pope Francis will be opening a sacred portal in a Rome prison for the very first time. The church wants to show prisoners that despite the sins of their past, the church has not abandoned them. That they aren't without hope. That they too have a special door to leads to a forgiveness room. 

But this story wouldn't be fun if it weren't for the skeptics. Some people believe the sacred portals could be a gateway to hell. A man named L.A. Marzulli, an accomplished author/connoisseur of supernatural portals, warns that these portals may not be all that they seem.

“There are gateways and portals over the Promised Land, there’s no doubt about that,” Marzulli states, emphasizing their role in supernatural activity. He connects these phenomena to the ancient Nephilim and suggests that portals could be conduits for demonic deception in modern times. According to Marzulli, these portals are not merely the stuff of speculation but are deeply tied to end-time prophecies, where spiritual forces seek to deceive even the elect (Matt. 24:24).

Given Marzulli’s warnings, could the Vatican’s Holy Doors be more than symbolic? Are they inadvertently engaging in a spiritual practice they may not fully understand? The Bible warns against rituals and practices that open the door—literally or metaphorically—to spiritual forces outside God’s will. If these “Holy Doors” are seen as spiritual gateways, one must ask: What, or who, might come through?

Could Pope Francis' opening of the portals to kick off Jubilee be the start of the end times? Are there evil spirits living the bowels of the Vatican that will be released? Will they cross the Atlantic Ocean and team up with the alien drones in New Jersey, and earth will find itself at war with an alien + hell army? Maybe something to watch for. I swear to God (no offense) if we all die because the Catholics insisted on opening some sketchy portals so they wouldn't have to feel bad about letting their priests molest children for all those years… I will not be happy.


But smart money is on these sacred portals just being regular doors. And opening the doors is nothing more than a long standing Catholic tradition that represents the passage to salvation, and the path to a new & eternal life. Just another one of the many ways Catholic's absolve themselves of sin. I really am jealous of devout Catholics who've fully embraced the church to the point that if there's anything at all they feel guilty about, they can simply go into a confessional, or partake in a sacred portals ritual, and have all that weight lifted off their shoulders. Whereas I, about once per week, will remember a time I was rude to a customer service agent on the phone because I got frustrated with the language barrier and feel shame. I'll have to carry that with me for the rest of my life. Going to heaven when you die sounds pretty cool as well. Personally, I'd prefer to be reincarnated as an NFL quarterback. But I'll take heaven as well. Hopefully my death will be slow and drawn out enough that I'll be able to hit a confessional booth right before I die. Just in case the Catholics are right.