Jimmy Butler's Agent Went Scorched Earth On Shams By Stating That All His Reporting Is Complete And Utter Made Up Bullshit

If you find yourself already being over the Jimmy Butler trade drama, I have bad news for you. We're just getting started. This is going to be a daily thing from now until February with new twists and turns along the way. If there's one thing the NBA does well, it's trade drama. People may think the game is boring (wrong) or the product sucks (also wrong), but one thing you cannot deny is nobody does hilarious trade drama better than the NBA.
Take the latest Shams update. You'll never believe this, but Jimmy Butler has added another contending team to his preferred trade list! Who knew that he was so hell bent on running from the grind? Isn't that his whole thing? Not taking the easy way and all that? Well, what would you call this?
Now this is funny for a few reasons. For starters, the Suns are a 2nd apron team which means they can't combine salaries. That means in order for this to even happen, the Suns would have to trade one of KD, Booker, or Bradley Beal. The one guy who you think might be an option in Beal because he did want to go to MIA before he was traded to the Suns, that guy has a no-trade clause. Why would anyone willingly choose to leave a contender in PHX to go be in a rebuild with the Heat? That seems unlikely.
I'm not sure what the deal is here, but Shams keeps throwing out teams who have virtually zero ways to trade for Jimmy Butler. What's that about? Is the idea that the rest of us don't have the internet and can't do math? I mean I'm not a huge math guy myself but I can use a calculator. Is it only about engagement by using big names and popular teams? Woj left the game and now everything is bullshit?
If you were to ask Jimmy Butler's agent, that's exactly what's happening.
(For the record, I actually did some Big J journalism here (clicked around Twitter about 3-4 times), and from what I can gather, this is really his agent. A bunch of Miami reporters follow him, NBA players/accounts follow him, so while initially I feared that I may be getting JMac'd with this thread, it appears to be legit)
Reading those tweets you can understand my initial skepticism, but the fact that they're actually real makes it extremely funny. You have to admit, he kind of has a point. As I said, none of these supposed teams of interest make any goddamn sense, and I imagine if I were an agent I'd be pretty pissed that Shams is putting that type of stuff out there with my name attached. Good for him for saying enough was enough and bringing the hell, even if it's not going to change anything. It at least makes for a fun wrinkle during this already exhausting trade drama, so in that aspect, that's a win.
Now, let's say it was true and HOU/GS/DAL/PHX was actually Butler's list. Who cares if that gets out? It's not some sort of state secret as to what potential teams might be interested in Jimmy Butler, and of those teams which ones have the assets to make it work. It seems silly for an agent to flip out and wage war like this over a correctly leaked preferred trade list. Who gives a shit?
That's why I'm more inclined to believe that Shams might be up to something. It's certainly not out of the realm of possibility that he would do something in the interest of engagement, and as you can see, that tweet is doing numbies. It's all just speculation, so who cares if it's bullshit right? We'll all forget about that tweet in 2.2 seconds, but that dopamine hit has to be addicting as hell. Imagine if every single thing you tweeted went mega viral? You'd make shit up left and right just to get another taste of that.
So what's next? When do we get the Shams tweet that Butler has added OKC or DEN to his list? My guess is the Nuggets since they can flip MPJ's contract, are a team that may need a shake-up, and someone who is also a contender. It would not shock me one bit if we get that tweet by the end of the week.