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UPDATE: Congressman Claims The Mysterious Drones Flying Over New Jersey Are From An Iranian Mothership Parked Off The Atlantic Coast (DOUBLE UPDATE: Pentagon Denies His Claim)

NY Post - A New Jersey congressman claimed Wednesday that the mystery drones over the Garden State are from Iran, and they’re being launched by a mothership parked off the East Coast.

Rep. Jeff Van Drew, a Republican, said the drones “very possibly could be” from Iran, citing confidential sources during an appearance on Fox News Wednesday morning.

“These drones should be shot down,” he said, adding that “the military is on full alert with this.”

He did not reveal where he got the information. Van Drew, whose district includes most of the Jersey Shore, sits on the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee.

“I’m going to tell you the real deal. Iran launched a mothership that contains these drones,” Van Drew said. “It’s off the East Coast of the United States of America. They’ve launched drones.”

“These are from high sources, I don’t say this lightly,” he added, categorically ruling out that the drones were being flown by hobbyists or the US government itself.

Earlier today, I posted a second blog about the mysterious car-sized drones that have been flying over New Jersey for nearly a month. 

Naturally, about an hour after that was posted, we finally got our answer. Or at least someone gave us one. A lot of people speculated/hoped for aliens. A lot of people threw out Russia or China. Some people suggested the call was coming from inside the house, and our own government was droning themselves. But I did not see many people, if anyone, with Iran on their "Who's responsible for these drones?" bingo card.

Does this mean we can shoot them down now? It felt like we were scared to do it before. Maybe we thought the aliens would retaliate by blowing our entire planet to smithereens. Maybe we respected Russia's or China's technological capabilities enough that we feared what they might do in response. But we can't be scared of Iran right? We can't let Iran bully New Jersey with drones and do nothing about it. 

Honestly, for people who were hoping for the most sensational outcome, the announcement that the drones are from Iran is a bit of a let down. This is probably a dumb reaction, but when I first saw that Iran was the culprit, my first thought was, "Oh shit that's all it is? Just Iran?". I'm sure they don't have good intentions. But I like to think we should be able to deal with fucking Iran.

The stupidest thing about this is that if Iran launched this ship off the east coast roughly a month ago... then the drones suddenly started appearing... and nobody in our government put two-and-two together there? Kinda seems ridiculous that Iran is able to park a big ol' "mothership" off the coast of New Jersey to begin with. Perhaps that's something we need to address. But it really seems like a 1+1= 2 situation there. One that shouldn't have taken an entire month of chaos to figure out. Apparently this story never made it across the FBI's desk.

So if this is in fact Iran… if and not something scarier that they're trying to cover up. Or if Jeff And Drew isn't simply incorrect… then we gotta start blastin'. I'm not even sure if Iran knows what the hell they're doing with these drones. According to Jeff Van Drew, Iran has a deal with China to purchase "drones motherships and technology". They probably just got these things. They're probably as shocked as anyone that the United States was just allowing them to do this. They probably never even expected to get this far into their shady drone flying operation. Like a dog who catches his tail and doesn't know what the hell to do with it. But still… let's shoot down the damn drones guys. We can't be getting drone punked by Iran.

UPDATE AGAIN: Pentagon Now Denies Drones Are Coming From Iranian Mothership, Says Iran Mothership Doesn't Exist


The more I try to blog about what these drones might be, the stupider I look. I guess were back to square one. Depending on if you member of the government you choose to not believe. But my stance that, "we gotta start blastin" still stands. 

Bottom line is they still have no fucking clue what's happening. So standby. World War III and/or Space War I may be back on.