Scandal Rocks the Political World as an Elected Official is Accused of 'Bullying' Her Aide Into Sex and Making Him Run Her Errands
As we find our nation in a period of great transition, you'd think that maybe, just maybe, our political leaders would conduct themselves with dignity. That they'd spend these next few weeks before a new chapter in our history begins representing themselves and all of us with the professionalism the voters demand. That at bare minimum, they'd stop the scandalous behavir that seems to have become the standard operating procedure of the ruling class. If just for a little while.
It pains me to say, that is not the case. At least not in Thurston County, Washington:
Source - A glamorous Washington state lawmaker bullied a male aide into sex, then made him run her errands and tried to fire him when he reported her, a lawsuit claims.
Emily Clouse, 30, is said to have begun a 'mutually consensual dating relationship' with the unnamed man after being elected as a commissioner in Thurston County, which includes the state's capital of Olympia. ...
Clouse is said to have exploited the man into driving her around, buying her food and drinks and loaning her cash which he says she never repaid, the Spokane Spokesman-Review reported. ...
Clouse, who was sworn into her role in November 2023, tried to fire him 30 minutes later and subsequently accused the aide of sexually assaulting her.
The aide says other Thurston County officials tried to suppress his claims, allegedly asking him 'what amount of money' it would take to make his claims go away.
He was put on administrative leave, which the aide says gave him the impression of being 'guilty of wrongdoing.' ...
In a statement last week, Clouse's lawyer, Maia Robbins, said that Clouse had just recently ended a relationship with a colleague, but did not specify if it was the aide in question. ...
Clouse was suspended from some of her duties in August while a probe was launched into her alleged abuse.
"Thurston County? Sounds more like 'Thirsty County,' amirite???" "It sounds like county officials aren't the only ones probing Emily Crouse!" These are just two examples of the sort of terribly, lazy, Late Night Talk Show monologue jokes you can expect whenever out elected representatives indulge in this sort of misbehavior. The people deserve better.
And personally speaking, I'm not so much angry with Commissioner Crouse as I am, well ... disappointed. I expected more. Given her Linda Cardellini looks:
… and general sort of Ramona Flowers energy:

… she seemed destined for greatness. A career trajectory that would lead to one higher office after another. But (allegedly) she hadn't even been sworn in long enough to know where to get a coffee or which bathroom is the cleanest before she started acting like just another politician. Abusing her power. (Reportedly.) Taking advantage of the vulnerable for her own gains. (According to the lawsuit.) Putting her own selfish wants and desires ahead of serving her electorate. (Accusations only.) For shame.
As for her accuser, we can only hope that justice will be done, he will be made whole, and that he can continue his career in public service without having to sexually service an atttractive, desirable 30 year old woman. If his next supervisor will simply not come onto him physically, this young man can focus on doing the work of the County Commissioner's office. Which I'm sure is much more satisfying.
However it works out, see you on OnlyFans, Commissioner. (Presumably.)