Credit To Big, Bad Trent Frederic On Fighting A Guy Who Has Never Fought. Sparks Bruins To An 8-1 Loss

The age of the heavyweight is finally coming back in the NHL. It seems like every team has a guy on the roster who can absolutely go at any given notice. Each team has an absolute mutant on their team that the opposing bench should steer clear of unless they really know what they're doing. Guys like Nic Deslauriers, Kurtis MacDermid, Jonah Gadjovich, Mathieu Olivier, etc.
Trent Frederic isn't one of those guys. He likes to skate around on the ice and act like he is, but he's not in that same weight class. Just watch his fight against Marcus Foligno.
So when the Bruins were getting absolutely shit pumped last night in Winnipeg 6-1 in the 3rd period, Trent Frederic thought to himself "it's Trent Frederic time". So what does he do? He goes out and finds the one guy on the ice who has never fought before, and goes after him. David Gustafsson, a Swede playing in his 3rd game of the season, ends up having to drop the gloves with big, bad Trent Frederic.
Real tough guy who throws a few extra punches after Gustafsson already hits the ice. That's Boston Bruins hockey, baby! Down 6-1 with nothing to lose anymore? Might as well try to spark your team by fighting a dude who was probably heading back to Manitoba anyway.
Trent Frederic is a kid from St. Louis. Winnipeg captain Adam Lowry is also from St. Louis, and was probably embarrassed at the fact that he shares the same birthplace as Frederic. So on the next puck drop, he showed the kid what you're supposed to do if you actually want to spark your team. Find the biggest dude on the other team and go at him.
Winnipeg would go on to score 2 more goals on the night. 8-1 final. But hey, at least Trent Frederic was able to injure a guy just looking to stick on an NHL roster. That has to be worth something.