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Welcome To Kentucky: A Man Led A Police Chase Through Murray While Riding A Mule, The 2nd Time He Was Arrested On The Mule In 3 Days

[Source] - MURRAY, Ky. — The Murray Police Department arrested a man on Saturday and again on Monday after he reportedly rode a mule while intoxicated.

According to the police department, officers responded at 9:09 p.m. Saturday to a local alcohol establishment for a report of an unruly person. Officers found that Jonathan Mason, 39, of Murray, had been asked to leave but refused. Officers said Mason was outside the business and "manifestly under the influence of alcohol" when they arrived. He had ridden a mule to the business and reportedly refused to stop when the officer ordered. According to police, Mason resisted when officers attempted to arrest him.

Officers responded at 12:51 p.m. Monday to the area where the mule was stabled for a report of a man who appeared intoxicated and was riding a mule on the road. According to the department, officers found Mason on the mule. He reportedly refused to stop and fled down the road on the mule. 

The police chase business has somehow picked up over the last, I don't know, 3 years or so? Seems like every time there's a police chase, it's all over Twitter and social media. Everyone starts cheering for spikes or seeing how it ends. But that's when it involves cars. Welcome to Murray, Kentucky where you get a mule involved. Personally I'd call it a horse, but the news called it a mule and that sounds funnier than just saying a horse chase. It's Kentucky, can't rule out being on a horse for a police chase. It's not bourbon, basketball and racing for no reason in the Commonwealth. This fella might be a long way from Keeneland, but he's not going to lose the spirit. He decided the best course of action was to escape on mule, twice. 

That's really the part of the story being undersold here. Everyone focusing on the mule and rightfully so. But he got arrested twice in three days while the mule was around. You can't get arrested on a Monday after you get arrested on a Saturday. Not even late Saturday night, that's an early night to be at a local alcohol establishment. 

I know we're not talking about a likely smart man here, but if you're on a mule why wouldn't you use the elements to your advantage here in a chase? Get off the road and get into the green area. This is also what happens in Kentucky when you wander away from Lexington, Louisville and like Covington/Newport. You get into the true eastern or western part of the state and you don't blink an eye at a mule police chase on a Monday. I'd say it's a tough Tuesday for this guy, but if you get arrested twice in that short of a span you basically don't care.