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The Results Are In And It's Abundantly Clear That The Boston Celtics Are Truly America's Team

Brian Babineau. Getty Images.

Over the last 1.25 seasons, Celtics fans have had to deal with a whole lot of bullshit when it comes to certain narratives. While we graduated from the "Jaylen Brown and Jayson Tatum don't work together" nonsense, things quickly transitioned to things like

"The Celtics are ruining the sport of basketball"

"The NBA needs to change the rules because the Celtics are too good"

"Nobody cares about the Celtics"

"The Celtics shooting so many 3s are why ratings are down"

and I have to admit, it has been a little fun to see a single basketball team continue to break so many brains. Maybe it's denial because old takes from 2019 no longer apply and some people are take-committed and stuck in their ways. Maybe part of it is jealousy. Maybe it's hatred of another Boston team being a wagon and running a league, who knows.

But what we do know is that the Boston Celtics are unequivocally America's team. That's not my homerism talking, that's the data talking

Now, I'll let you decide if this is all due to Celtics fans living in these states, or fans of other teams being obsessed with them. Maybe they spend all their time trying to figure out how the hell Brad Stevens and Joe Mazzulla are able to do what we're currently watching them do. All I know is despite what some media narratives want you to believe, the Celtics are not ruining the sport of basketball. They are not boring. In reality, everyone seems to be obsessed with them. All that talk about the Lakers being "America's Team" and they can't even win their own state? Talk about being down horrendous.

But that's not even the saddest part of that graphic. That of course has to be this section


I mean, I know the Celts have won 10 of 12 against MIA and pretty much ended that rivalry, but this is tough to see. I guess it makes sense since every time the Celts play in MIA it's pretty much a home game with how much green is in the stands, but this also tells me there's probably a huge chunk of Heat fans that obsess over the Celts and do nothing but look at their Basketball Reference page in envy. 

To me, what this tells us is that behind closed doors and in the privacy of their own homes, a lot of people seem to have the Celtics on their minds. Even their haters can't stop obsessing over them. I'm not here to gatekeep, being a Celtics fan right now is literally the best it's ever been. I'll welcome anyone onto the wagon as long as you abide by the rules

1. Declare Brad Stevens as your lord and savior

2. Fully embrace Mazzulla Ball and everything that comes with it

You don't need to only be a fan of this team behind closed doors, there's room for everyone as long as you're willing to make the required commitments. 

As I said all the way back on June 17th once the Celts secured their NBA-leading 18th championship banner, there has been a shift at the top. We now live in the Jayson Tatum & Jaylen Brown Era, as they have taken over as the NBA's new overlords

There's a reason why literally anything the Celtics do leads every talking head show. If they lose a single game? It's headline news. If they shoot 3s? It's headline news. They have become the standard, which I look at as a badge of honor.

Who knows how long this all is going to last, so I say keep the right perspective and take it all in while appreciating where we are right now sitting atop the NBA mountain.