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WATCH: Lunatic Salt Lake City Guy Crashed His Car Through A Car Dealership That Wouldn't Let Him Return The Subaru He Bought Earlier That Day

Fox Utah - SANDY, Utah — A man was arrested after police say he intentionally crashed a car he recently bought into the storefront of a dealership in Sandy.

According to Sandy Police, the man bought a car from Tim Dahle Mazda Monday morning. Videos sent to FOX 13 News show what appears to be a Subaru Outback.

Then, the man reportedly discovered mechanical issues and went back to the dealership, hoping to return it. But the dealership told him they would not take it back as it was sold "as is."

Police said the man threatened to drive through the dealership's front door if they wouldn't give him his money back. Then, shortly after 4 p.m., he "did exactly that," police said.

Nobody was injured.

The man, whose name has not been released, was booked into jail facing charges of felony criminal mischief and reckless endangerment.

Aylin Hernandez works at the dealership and was grateful she was not there Monday.

"What would've happened?" she wondered. "Who knows — it could've been fatal."

"He came back but with a rage... Without thinking, he just acted out on rage," she said.

My buddy Marco sent this over in our group chat a little while ago and when I watched it I spit out my Negroni and I wasn't even drinking one. 

I have so many fucking questions after watching that video. So bear with me here. 

1- What on earth is a husky man with a chin strap doing buying and driving that Subaru outback? Isn't that a strictly lesbian-only mobile?

(Fun fact- the only (straight) male I ever knew who drove a Subaru outback in my life up until a few years ago was Paul/Gaz/Sales Guy. Back before he was rewarded a zillion dollars for being Dave's right-hand man all these years and he was just Allston-Brighton Gaz. Back then he was cheeseburger subs and Subway foot-longs 6 nights a week Paul. Now he's standing reservation at Four Charlers Prime Paul. Must be nice.)

2- Chill the fuck out buddy. What's the most he could have paid for that thing? 9-10k? Even if they wouldn't buy it back from you, there's 15 other used car dealerships who are foaming at the mouth to let you trade that in so they can put you in something else at like 28%. 

3- I feel like if you purchase ANYTHING that comes with a "all sales final" or "no returns, as is" disclaimer, you deserve to be reminded what a fuckin moron you are and taught a lesson. Why do you think that policy exists? For the businesses health? Smarten up pal.

4- That said, as my friend Marco said when I asked him if people flipping out like this at dealerships is common in that industry- as he owns a slew of them- he said yes but as he tells his team, "one sale doesn't make the month." Was it really worth not just giving this maniac his money back and docking him one of those made up "restocking fees" or some bullshit? Instead now you've got a dealership with a giant hole through the front of it until your owner's insurance adjuster approves his claim and cuts him a check. All because you didn't want to give up that $550 rip. Foolish.

I'm going to say something slightly controversial here. First off, Thank God nobody was sitting at that desk he plowed through. Optimism in the human race wants me to believe that this jabroni looked inside while driving around the parking lot before revving that lezmobile up to 600 RPMs and didn't see anybody on the other side of that plated glass. But let me preface it with saying that if somebody had been sitting at that desk, I'd be advocating that this guy get the electric chair. I don't even care if the person he injured was dead or survived. Electric chair for these kind of irresponsble loose cannons. Now, that said, does it make me a bad person for saying I'm kind of envious of people who flip out over bad customer service like this? 

I'm the type of pussy who never has the balls to speak up when I'm getting fucked over at a store or restaurant or anything. I've never sent a steak back for being cooked wrong, or asked for a shitty meal taken off a check, or anything of that sort because I got no marbles. 

I' ve bought things that break before I even walk out of the store before and I just bend over and take it like Diddy in a prison shower because I hate awkward conversation/confrontation. I'm like the anti-Larry David. 

So a guy like this, standing up for himself, telling these fuckers to go to hell, albeit being dead in the wrong for getting upset over a contractual agreement/deal, kind of gets my dick hard. I guess I can kind of see why people think I'm crazy sometimes.