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I Am Finally Ready To Talk About It: Ohio's Tate Press Conference Tonight At Halftime Of Monday Night Football

Alright, I'm finally ready to talk about it to more than my therapist. Ohio State got embarrassed in the worst loss not just of the year, not just in the rivalry, not just in program history, not just in college football history, but the worst loss since sports were invented in 2000 BC in Ancient Egypt. But the world has told me I need to move on, so I will be addressing all things Ohio State in a Press Conference tonight live from my 42nd floor apartment in Chicago at halftime of the Monday Night Football game on Twitter Spaces. I will be making an opening statement, and then I will open up the floor for questions from people on Twitter to discuss anything they damn well please. Topics are welcomed to include:

- Ohio State losing to Michigan last Saturday

- Ohio State losing to Michigan 4x in a row

- Ryan Day

- Paying $20 million for a roster that went 10-2

- The College Football Playoff

- The Bet

- Kirk Herbstreit's son committing to Michigan

- Potential punishment ideas for losing in the playoff

Again, the press conference will be tonight at halftime of the Monday Night Football game. Jump on over on Twitter Spaces and bring your questions about the Buckeyes, troll because you're all assholes, or just listen to the misery. See you all tonight.