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The Kansas City Chiefs Point Differential Is Comically Smaller Than Any Other 12-1 Team In Modern NFL History

Look, man. I don't know what else there is to say. Every week these Chiefs find some new way of coming out on top in dramatic fashion. It doesn't matter who they play. Playoff team, scum of the bottom feeders, or anthing in-between. It makes no difference. The Chiefs are now averaging just a tick above a four-point win margin for their 12-wins. Which if you were to ask me... seems a bit high. 

Are the Chiefs winning because of their experience in such big moments? I'm still saying no. Like most unbelievable stories involving an improbable sequence of unlikely events, no one thinks the momentum can be stopped. Until it abruptly does. Because point differential does matter in terms of predicting what team is better than others. It's certainly no sure thing, but is directionally accurate. That's why the top-three teams on the list above won the Super Bowl. And the fourth form the top, 1984 Dolphins, at least got there. The 1984 49ers won it all too, which means only two of the top-6 12-1 teams in point differential didn't hoist the Lombardi. 

Excited Detroit? I see you there.

Then again, the 1976 Raiders also won the Super Bowl - who stand right above these Chiefs with a +89 at 12-1. But you can't think this anything other than a fluke when you realize no other team won it all from the bottom up until the 2004 Patriots. No other team won not already mentioned. And the Chiefs aren't even in the 1976 Raiders tier anyway. Sure, they stand next to one another. But that 33-point difference is the same point difference as the 1976 Raiders and the 2020 Chiefs (+122). 

This team has won because of a toe, a fortunate doink, and numerous missed field goals. They are that crazy run of red at the roulette table. No one can explain how it keeps coming up red, it just does. Until it doesn't. We went through this with the 2022 Minnesota Vikings - the most fraudent team in NFL history. History is rhyming in 2024. 

At this point, I'm here for it. What's going to be the script next week? They play the Browns. A team they should demolish by twenty. The Chiefs should outscore the Browns merely via Jameis pick-sixes. But we all know it's going to come down to something. We just don't know exactly what. And with Jameis, that could be a lot of things. (But probably a pick-six)

It's appointment televsion at this point. Every game the Chiefs play. Fans or not, we all want to gather around the table and watch that little ball spin around and around.

Black is coming. We all know it. We're all waiting for it. We just don't know when. 
