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Sad: Bill Self Is Being Called A Coward For Apparently Refusing To Play At UConn This Past Week, Forcing Baylor To Replace Them Instead

Oh no. We have accusations of Bill Self being scared and even as far as being a pussy. All this because he refused to play at UConn this year because he wanted to play closer to home since they go to Missouri this weekend. Some may use the word daunted in this case even. All I know is this can't happen. These SEC/ACC, Big East/Big 12 battles or challenges or whatever the fuck you want to call them shouldn't be allowed to have teams dictate who you play. It's made for a few reasons, 1) teams to get a Tournament resume win and 2) fans to watch good games in December. That's it. Oh and what happened to Kansas?

Creighton kicked their ass. I don't want to hear about traveling. Kentucky played at Clemson on Tuesday and is flying to Seattle to play Gonzaga on Saturday. Last time I checked that was a longer distance than Kansas going to UConn and Missouri. Plus, Kansas always beats Missouri. I know it's a rivalry but it's a very, very one-sided rivalry. Stop being scared. We should have to get the best games possible because we have a limited time where college basketball can dominate the news. 

This isn't to say Bill Self scheduled like a pussy. They played Michigan State, Duke, Creighton, UNC, Missouri and NC State in the nonconference. But you don't have the right to say no to a game that is supposed to happen. It's simple. A request can come in, the TV networks and conferences should say no. You're talking about the two biggest names in each conference, make it happen. 

I ask for a simple thing as a college basketball fan. Give me the best matchups all year. There's too many goddamn teams in Division I. There's too many games that don't matter because of buy games. When we can get big time program vs big time program it needs to happen.