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Misread The Room: Pissed-Off Mother With Crying Baby Attempts to Bully Passenger Out of Window Seat With Threat of Public Humiliation

NY Post - The unidentified mom had reportedly asked fellow passenger Jeniffer Castro if she could swap seats with her son, who was throwing a fit because he wanted to sit by the window.

This request seemed particularly ludicrous given that the mom’s family already had a window seat, but the tyke insisted on taking Castro’s.

When Castro declined, the irate mother whipped out her phone and filmed the passenger in an apparent attempt to shame her into the sky switcheroo.

“Why doesn’t she want to change seats?” demanded the parent in the clip. “I even asked if she has some kind of syndrome or something. If someone has a problem, some disability, we understand.”

“I’m recording your face, this is disgusting,” added the mom, who declared that people have “no empathy for children” in the 21st century.

All the while, the flyer ignored the wild tirade, only asking if she was being taped.

The mother’s attempt to expose the flyer backfired after online commenters sided with the woman and shamed the parent for her outrageous demand.

“I felt sorry for the girl, she just wanted a peaceful trip,” declared one defender, while another wrote, “Buy and choose the seat and don’t disturb others. No one is obliged to give up their seat.”

“This girl needs to be smart and file a lawsuit against this rude and clueless mother,” advised a third.

Meanwhile, one viewer quipped, “Why didn’t she ask the captain to step down to let her son fly the plane?”

Apologies for the Portuguese video. But I refuse to discriminate when it comes to abhorrent behavior. Just because you're from a different part of the world, or have slightly darker skin, or speak a ridiculous sounding language, does not mean you aren't entitled to be a disaster of a person worth of ridicule on an American website. And let's be real guys... it's almost 2025. A non-caucasian woman just received the 2nd most votes (out of everybody) to be the President of the United States. So umm like... if you aren't speaking fluent Portuguese by now, then maybe take a look in the mirror and ask yourself why. Mic drop. 

In regards to the contents of this Portuguese video... Bad. Bad mother. I'm sorry that your child was crying on the plane. That really stinks. It very well may not be your fault. Despite your documented disgusting behavior... Despite your view of the world being so off that you thought people would be on your side when posting this video... You could still be a phenomenal mother. You may have simply been dealt a bad baby. 

Or maybe you really are a disaster of a mother who hasn't fed her child in days because you want him to be especially agitated & pissed-off going into the underground baby fight you signed him up for this weekend.

Regardless, it's not the responsibility of this beautiful senhorita (who could have paid extra for that seat for all we know) to accommodate you. If it were that crucial for your child to sit by a window, then you should have taken the necessary steps when buying your ticket to assure he was assigned to one. 

Would I have given up my window seat to her child? It depends on how she asked. If she asked in a way where I felt like she was bossing me around, or taking it for granted that I would say cave and say, then absolutely not. Fuck you. I will not cave. I'm not gonna be made to look a bitch in front of the entire plane. Unless the mother was exceptionally scary. A few teardrop tattoos and some face well-placed facial piercing might have swayed me. 

On the other hand, if I see mother struggling to control her child. If I can tell she's overwhelmed and embarrassed and is doing everything in her power to comfort the baby, but nothing seems to be working. If that mother kindly approaches me and politely asks if I would mind changing seats. Of course I'm going to say yes. Even if I don't want to. I have a heart.

But I'm assuming if this woman is the type of person who's first thought is to whip out her phone and attempt to bully some poor girl into doing what she wants. To threaten her with public humiliation while you continue to neglect your screaming child. I'm guessing you didn't approach her with tact and grace to begin with. I really can't think of a worse way to make your child stop crying than by raising your voice and shouting at a complete stranger in a small enclosed area. I'm pretty sure kids hate that stuff. 

Good for window seat girl for standing her ground. And T's & P's to that baby. Good luck in your fight this weekend.