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Marisa Tomei Is Going Viral For A Video Of Her Defeating Father Time On Her 60th Birthday

Listen, I didn't even know who Marisa Tomei was until I saw this video all over Twitter with over 60 million views and did my research. Sue me, I haven't watched *checks notes* My Cousin Vinny, Spider Man: No Way Home, or The Wrestler. I'm no movie buff, but I appreciate greatness when I see it and that's what it seems we have here with Marisa Tomei. I'm ready to crown her the ageless wonder based off this one minute video:

This feels like a Nicky Smokes IQ level question, but can women even beat Father Time or do they just defeat Mother Nature? I don't know the answer to that, but it seems like I have a lot of research to due regarding Ms. Tomei. Some people on Twitter are speculating her secret being that she's never been married or have kids:

Tomei has often said that she doesn't believe in marriage or kids, and was quoted as saying 

"I'm not that big a fan of marriage as an institution, and I don't know why women need to have children to be seen as complete humanbeings"

Or is her secret Aaron Rodgers level ayahuasca and drinking from the fountain of youth? Talk about aging like a fine wine. I couldn't find any other blogs about her ever on this site, so maybe it's time to stake my claim as the #1 Marisa Tomei blogger on this side of the Internet. All I could find was smokeshow blogs posted from Eddie and Malcolm Smutler about other Instagram models named Marisa, so my journey starts today.

P.S. She knows good pizza:
