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'This Is A Building Where No. 1 Teams Go To Die' - Greg McDermott Dropping This Line As Creighton Fans Party On The Court Is Why College Hoops Remains Awesome

I know there's a lot of talk about the new normal in college basketball. Teams losing on the road is for sure normal. It happens. It happens a lot. There's a reason why a lot of these games tonight the team with the better number next to their name was also a favorite. But this was an actual upset. Not big by any means, but still an upset whether it was the number on the book or the fact Kansas is the No. 1 team in the country. Don't get me wrong this is was a dominant win too: 

And you know what? I'm glad they stormed the court. Beating the number 1 team in the country should mean something. I said it last year or two years ago that losing as the No. 1 team in the country felt like nothing in the grand scheme of things. It hardly leads the sports news unless it's late in February or March. I miss when No. 1 teams losing would be all over the place. So, you know what, good. Make this mean something. Drop a quote about this building being a place number 1 teams go to die because you did it two years in a row. 

Also credit to college basketball for the schedule. We went from Feast Week to this challenge week. The last two days have been awesome for college basketball - outside of 1 game. But we're getting matchups that have people talking and watching the sport earlier than normal. That's good for the sport. The sport is good this year. Trust me if you haven't watched yet, it's awesome. We're looking at a night where the number 1, 2 and 5 teams can all lose on the road (yes, I'm aware the losses would be to the 6 and 9 ranked teams). But the point stands. 

As for this game specifically? You saw Creighton do the thing where they made a ton of threes. Pop Isaacs was awesome. 


As for Kansas. The offense needs help. I know Griffin was out, but Adams and Harris just let teams sit in the paint. You need someone consistent to shoot the ball outside of Zeke Mayo. Nothing surprising here, but Kalkbrenner also just destroyed Dickinson. Either way, one hell of a quote by McDermott.