Dan Campbell Told The Lions Pregame To Hit Caleb Williams If He Is Clearly Not Going Out Of Bounds

If anyone is upset at this you are an absolute idiot. When you are playing a quarterback who likes to use his legs you need to hit him or he will run all over you. He isn't saying to hurt him or to hit him out of bounds so this just makes sense. There are so many comments on here saying what a dirty coach and all that shit, this is why this team is 11-1. His guys will legit die for him and especially a rookie quarterback who rushed for over 70 yards the game before you need to show him this isn't college anymore. When your first option isn't there anymore you can't just run right after in the NFL because these guys will hit you.
Like the hit that everyone was talking about on Caleb it wasn't dirty or anything but you don't want to see any quarterbacks get hurt. I just think that it is the hardest thing right now to be a defensive player because you have to make a split decision to not hit a quarterback when you don't know when he is sliding or going out of bounds. When you are going full force at someone and then try and pull up it just doesn't work so its tough to be a defensive player. Regardless if you think this is dirty then you don't know ball and you can't comment on ball anymore.