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In The Most 2024 Way Possible, A Live Streamer Gets In A Crash On Stream And His First Words After Were "Wow, That's A Clip, Clip It Chat"

Listen, I've long tried to stop understanding livestream culture and what makes certain streamers do certain things. If it isn't staged, there's an even likelier possibility that it's "clip-farmed", which basically just means putting yourself in situations to get a viral clip that'll inevitably grow your channel and get you thousands of dollars at the expense. But if you told me that we'd be in a spot where immediately after getting rear-ended in your car on stream you'll immediately think about the clip before any injuries or even the car, then I would have told you there's no way.

But it seems that's where we've come to, and I can't even really say I'm that surprised now that I think about it. Cars come and go, insurance rates rise and fall, but the clip? Now that's forever. Everyone's outside assessing the damage, and all this guy can say is "RIP the car" and "clip that guys". "Good end to the stream guys" is the last thing I'd probably say when looking at my car in smithereens, regardless if I had insurance or not. Seems like it actually was the worst end to the stream imaginable but I digress. 

Luckily for this guy, and I'm not an insurance agent, but maybe the clip in this situation helps him prove he wasn't at fault here? Or if they can somehow prove he was stopped in the middle of the road because he was too busy talking to chat he'd be fucked. I probably wouldn't have uttered the words "my expired license plate is gone", but that's between him and the system now.

Most streamers have a chat overlay on their screen where you can see live reactions from the people watching, as many or as little as there are, and I would have liked to see what the chat was spamming when this happened. Or was everyone too busy clipping it chat so they could get a viral post on X? Ultimately, we're at the point in streaming where clout overcomes any sort of real life danger that you may find yourself in. We're lucky we haven't quite reached the point of World War 3 yet, because my guess is that it's going to be a bunch of livestreamers in the middle of the action taking selfies with nuclear destruction and it's going to be normalized.

We're fucked. Maybe the Internet was a mistake.