If You Miss A Flight You Can't Call Yourself An Adult (BONUS: Inarguable Rules For Adults)
I'll say this off the top - this isn't me piling on Mintzy. To be honest, I didn't really even see this happening in real time as I was with my family all weekend as were most. I don't need to reiterate how ridiculous it is that all he had to do was show up to a stream and get a $25K free bet. I don't need to tell anyone that it is incredibly immature.
Anyway, let's talk about why Mintzy wasn't at the stream. He missed a flight. Sometimes life gets in the way and there is no way around missing a flight. Weather or delayed to a connection are really the only two coming to mind for me though. Other than that, there is no excuse for ever missing a flight that is valid.
The worst people, in my opinion, are the ones who brag about cutting it close and somehow make their flight. That is irresponsible and sounds like you don't possess an ability to backwards plan, not a skill. Too many things come into play that you cannot plan for and can ultimately prevent you from making your flight. As Mintzy pointed out*, the security line was 2 hours long and short of asking the entire line to cut (those people are the worst - so because you're a child I have to let you go in front of me? No thanks), you can't control that. Not to mention, people who work at airports are disgruntled a ton of the time and don't have any desire to help you for being incompetent.
(*there is a theory that he just didn't get there in time and security wasn't an issue)
Everyone is different I suppose, but I am someone who likes to get ahead of stressful situations when possible and the airport is one of those scenarios. I like to arrive at the airport two hours before my flight is boarding, not scheduled to take off. This gives me ample time to get through security (I have TSA pre and security is almost never a problem or more than 10 mins but you never know) and relax at the bar/terminal/lounge before I'm cooped up on a flight. Is two hours excessive? Well, I've never missed a flight so you tell me.
This is essentially the mindset
In short, being on time for your flight is one of the simple ways of demonstrating you're an adult. I'm aware that Barstool is Never NeverLand with the Lost Boys running around, but when Uncle Dave is footing the bill, you shouldn't be missing flights.
Let's talk about some other practices that you should live by as an adult:
Clean your house before you go on a trip - Simple, coming home to a disaster of an untidy home is a horrible feeling. Take 30 minutes before you leave and make sure things are clean.
Keep your house clean - There are various levels to clean, but if I come to your house unexpectedly I shouldn't see a ton of dishes in the sink, crap everywhere, and the house looking in disarray. You're not in college anymore. Have some pride in your home and take care of where you live. I say this as a father with toys seemingly everywhere but every night before bed we make sure to clean up everything. Obviously most people clean up before having guests so if your house looks like a dump when you know I'm coming, you have a bigger problem.

Unpack when you return from traveling - Nothing says lazy like leaving dirty clothes in a suitcase for a week.
Keep your documents in a safe place - Birth certificates for you and kids, insurance cards, passports, and the list goes on. Don't stuff them in a drawer and then wonder where they are when you need them. I'm not saying you need a Scrooge McDuck safe or the vault from the Bellagio, but get a lock box and keep everything in one place.
Never show up empty handed to someone's house - I'm not sure how this one fell by the wayside but it's crazy that people will show up to someone's house with nothing. Obviously this goes for parties or dinners but even if you're going to hang out for a bit, bring something. Anything. A 6 pack, bottle of wine, or donuts from your favorite bakery. I'd rather you bring me a framed picture that your 5 year old drew of me than nothing.
Keep your phone charged - It is no longer 2003. Phones keep their charge for a very long time. Charge your phone at night so you wake up with 100%. Charge it before you leave the house. If you know you will be out all day, make sure you have a portable charger with you to tide you over until you get home or to an outlet. If your phone dies I can't take you seriously.
Those are just a few. So many things as an adult come down to not being lazy and backwards planning, not rocket science.