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The Single Dumbest Opinion Out There Is People Trying To Spin That The Giants Are 'Embarrassing' Daniel Jones Or 'Ruined' Him

I know there's been a lot of Daniel Jones talk lately, welcome to the NFL. But I gotta say something as a Giants fan. What the fuck are we doing? Not because we benched Daniel Jones but why are people complaining that the Giants ruined him or are embarrassing him. I've seen plenty of it: 

I'm sorry, embarrassed him? It's a goddamn business people. Did we all of a sudden forget that? Daniel Jones is an awful quarterback. He was rewarded for one okay season with millions and millions of dollars. He was given 6 years to prove himself. He didn't. It's that simple. Why are we trying to act like Daniel Jones is embarrassed for standing in a spot as a 'scout team' safety? We didn't say that about a former number 1 pick: 


Now we're supposed to feel bad because he got a little bit emotional in a press conference? Give me a break. This is the NFL we're talking about here. We've never felt bad about terrible picks not working out before. We've for sure never felt bad about guys getting overpaid not working out and living up to any sort of hype because of that. Why start now? It's easy to make fun of the Giants. We have been a dogshit franchise for a decade now. But spare me any thoughts about them embarrassing Daniel Jones. It's a simple business decision. Bench him, demote him, don't let him get hurt so you can clear up some money from a disaster of a decision. 

No kidding we all booed him on draft night. No one wanted him at pick 6. We had Josh Allen (defensive version) sitting right there to take. He dropped a spot we didn't expect. Passed on him for Daniel Jones. He was drafted to replace Eli Manning because of, well, David Cutcliffe mostly. Now we're supposed to pretend none of that happened and feel bad? The same guy who is a turnover machine, lost a bunch of games, could never put it all together? Yeah, dumbest opinion out there.