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Smartphones Killed Bathroom Trips

On Today’s episode of KFC Radio we talked about how much different going to the bathroom was before your phone. KFC and Feits educated us Gen Z folk about how you used to scrounge up anything you could to pass time in the bathroom, like reading a shampoo bottle or printing out articles to take in with you.

I was listening to this and actually becoming envious of them for living through a time where you couldn’t just pull your phone out of your pocket and have everything that’s ever been written in recorded history right at your fingertips. It brought some grit into the game.

I’m a big believer in making little events for yourself throughout the day that you can look forward to, makes the day a bit more exciting. Imagine having a part of your day that’s so sacred that you’re sure beforehand to print out entertainment for yourself? I'd be giddy with excitement, eating the spiciest food imaginable to make it come faster. It would immediately elevate any 6/10 day to at least an 8/10. The one downside is you could possibly run into an awkward moment or two if you were to have something like a Jerry Thornton sex scandal teacher blog (RIP) sitting on your desk awaiting its trip to the bathroom. Might be tough to explain.

My generation got a little taste of this life with the bathroom in middle/high school (real G’s weren’t afraid to dump at school) if you went to one of those schools where they scrambled the phone reception, but I would still just read through any tweets I had pre-loaded onto my phone before school like an addict.

You know how sports teams wear retro jerseys? I think there needs to be a retro bathroom trip day where nobody can bring their phone in. If anyone needs me for the rest of the day I’ll be printing out some light reading for the john.

Tune into today’s episode of KFC Radio to hear a great interview with Ari Shaffir! I think he wants to fuck me. I swear it makes more sense with context.




