First Pitch Perfect: The Journey To The Majors (Step 10: Triple A)
Well folks, here it is....the final step before the Majors. We've been to 5 different states, 10 different levels (including 3 stops at Independent Ball), and driven all over the midwest trying to climb the ladder. We woke up in Akron, Ohio on Saturday morning and tweeted we needed a AAA game ASAP....and the Louisville Bats said come on down. So we did. And if you watch the video, we threw one right down the fucking middle*
And listen, I know I've already gotten a few people on Twitter saying this pitch was perhaps a centimeter outside. First of all, take it up with the Umpire.
But second of all, that's how this series has been since Day 1. Not in my hands. I got fucked at Providence Catholic by the Umpire, and he have me a millimeter in Louisville. I didn't go to the replay when we drove 90 minutes on a Saturday morning for an Ump Show, so we will not be going to the replay when we drove 14 hours in less than a day and a half on this one. The call on the field stands, and we are now looking for a.....
Holy shit, we're now looking for a Major League Baseball Team to have us come throw out the Ceremonial First Pitch at.
Anyone got the phone number for the Cleveland Guardians? What a damn shame this would be if I just spent the last 4 months driving all over the midwest throwing pitches everywhere from Tee Ball and Coach Pitch games to Independent Ball and Minor League games.....all for them to be like, Pass.